General Information

The Multilin™ 8 Series is a single, integrated platform that delivers advanced protection, control,
monitoring and metering for critical feeder, motor, transformer and generator applications in both
utility and industrial environments. With 12 switchgear control elements, fully configurable single line diagram on a large color graphical display, 36 alarm integrated annunciator panel and up to 20 push buttons.

Key Features:

  • Providing the same look and feel for protection, control, and monitoring of feeders, motors, transformers, and generators
  • “Single-Box Solution” with advanced logic and configuration flexibility to enable comprehensive primary or backup protection, control, and monitoring of power systems
  • User-configurable single-line diagram with a color screen for local control, system status, and measurements
  • Integrated arc flash detection using light sensors monitoring overcurrents, advanced motor, transformer, and generator diagnostics, and high-quality fault and event recording to reduce incident energy and equipment damage
  • Meeting NERC® CIP requirements with high-quality cybersecurity features such as AAA, Radius, RBAC, and Syslog