Company Information
Headquarters Address Gaziosmanpaşaosb Mh. 7. Cd. Ekosinerji Blok No:17-19A, İç Kapı No:1, Altıeylül / Balıkesir
Registered Capital 1,200,000,000 TL
Paid-in Capital 280,000,000 TL
Trade Registry Office Balıkesir
Registration Date 13/04/2000
Trade Registry Number 22642
Tax Number 3300165851
Tax Office Balıkesir - Kurtdereli Tax Office Directorate
Individuals and Legal Entities Directly Holding 5% or More Shares or Voting Rights in Capital
Name-Surname/Title of Trade of the Partner Share in Capital (TL) Share in Capital (%) Proportion of Voting Rights (%)
TARIK CAN AKBAŞ 110.000.000 39,29 43,42
TUNAHAN AKBAŞ 110.000.000 39,29 43,42
OTHER 60.000.000 21,42 13,16
TOTAL 280.000.000 100 100

Information on Privileged Shares

The company’s capital is divided into two different share classes: A Group registered shares and B Group bearer shares.

According to our Articles of Association, A Group shares have the privilege of nominating candidates for the Board of Directors and voting privileges at the General Assembly. B Group shares do not have any privileges.

Individuals Holding 5% or More Direct Share or Voting Rights in the Capital
Shareholder Name Share in Capital (TL) Share in Capital (%) Voting Rights (%)
TARIK CAN AKBAŞ 110,000,000 39.29% 43.42%
TUNAHAN AKBAŞ 110,000,000 39.29% 43.42%