Transformers Of Turkey’s Power Plants Monıtored And Protected By Ge Transformer Monıtorıng Systems
EKOS Electric has been the sole distributor of General Electric in Turkey for 25 years. GE products with advanced technology have started to attract more and more attention in the Turkish market and have become the most demanded devices for customers who want to protect their power transformers in the most comprehensive way and ensure that security measures remain at the highest level.
Transformer Protection and Monitoring Systems devices are preferred by companies with leading power plants in Turkey such as Enerjisa, Koç Group, Entek, Enka, Borusan, Polat Enerji, Erdemir and İsdemir.
Transformer protection is provided by General Electric Hydran Gas Analysis and Measurement devices in all power plants of Enerjisa Üretim A.Ş., especially Balıkesir Wind Power Plant.
In 2023, a total of 9 General Electric DGA900 Transformer protection and monitoring devices were installed and commissioned in Suloglu Wind Power Plant, Kepezkaya Hydroelectric Power Plant, Kılavuzlu Hydroelectric Power Plant, which are the energy facilities of Entek Elektrik Üretimi A.Ş., a Koç Group company.