IEEE ITU Power & Energy Society (PES) Event: R&D Focused Future Energy Vision (November 2, 2023)

IEEE ITU Power & Energy Society (PES) Event: R&D Focused Future Energy Vision (November 2, 2023)

Our company participated in the R&D Future event organized by IEEE ITU Power & Energy Society (PES) and aimed to convey the trends in the sector, projects and technical competence focuses of the companies to the students. In this event, we introduced the activities, products and R&D projects of our companies ARF and EKOS and shared their future visions.

We shared information on a wide range of topics, from the countries where ARF and EKOS operate to our products. We emphasized the importance of artificial intelligence applications in energy, with a particular focus on our R&D projects and future vision. We also aimed to guide students on the competencies we are looking for in the sector.

We had one-to-one meetings with a total of 15 people and the participants showed great interest in battery storage and electric vehicles. Information about ARF and EKOS’s internship, part-time work and personal development programs made students interested in our career programs.