EKOS Electric is at ITU Career Summit
ITU Career Summit (IKZ) 2023, which set out this year with the slogan “Start Your Career from the Summit”, took place for 3 days on 3-4-5 May 2023 in two different campuses of ITU, Ayazağa and Gümüşsuyu, in central classrooms and five different faculty buildings. Organized by ITU Career and Internship Center, IKZ 2023 has undertaken a great task for ITU students to get detailed information, to apply for positions suitable for their academic education and skills, and for companies to reach qualified human resources in a short time. This year, 145 companies participated in IKZ 2023 and our company met with great interest from ITU students. Our company, which participated in the summit, came together with ITU students throughout the event and shared information about the business and career world of the future. Our company met directly with young people who want to shape their careers in order to offer equal opportunities in employment and internship. In order to make our future brighter, we want to meet with university students more by taking our place in career summits and fairs.