Knowledge of the condition of transformers is essential for all electrical networks and on-line monitoring of transformers is an increasingly vital component of successful asset management program. The information provided by multi-gas on-line DGA allows valuable asset capabilities to be maximised and expensive failures to be avoided.
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) and moisture measurement of the insulation oil are recognised as the most important tests for condition assessment of transformers. Traditionally performed in a laboratory environment, the MULTITRANS uniquely provides the capability to perform full on-line multi-gas DGA and moisture monitoring of up to three main tank oil sources in a single phase bank of transformers.
The MULTITRANS is designed for large transformers with three single phase tanks. Utilising photo-acoustic spectroscopy (PAS) measurement technology well suited to field application, providing laboratory challenging levels of precision and repeatability. Full 9 gas DGA sampling can be performed as often as every hour on a single tank and up to once every three hours on a three tank configuration. This includes monitoring of the 7 key gases (Hydrogen (H2), Carbon monoxide (CO), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), Ethane (C2H6), Carbon dioxide (CO2)) employed in all common diagnostic methods and MULTITRANS offers full gas in oil trending, analysis and diagnostic capabilities through its close integration with GE’s powerful Perception software suite and/or users own software, historian and SCADA systems. MULTITRANS is best suited for monitoring large, system critical or compromised single phase multiple tank transformers with a view to extending asset life, preventing.
Multitrans unit requires no calibration or carrier gases.