Solution for urgent energy needs with mobile transformation substations

Solution for urgent energy needs with mobile transformation substations

TEIAS will meet the needs of the regions where the electricity consumption is rapidly growing with 4 high voltage mobile transformation substations which will cost 8,9 million Euros.

With these 4 high voltage mobile transformation substations which will be delivered in a few days, TEIAS (Türkiye Elektrik Iletim A.S.) will be able to meet quickly the urgent energy needs.

Mr Yiğit Akbaş, the President of EKOSinerji Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. who realised the production of these transformation substations said to the AA correspondent that they won the international tender realised by TEIAS last year and that the reception will be performed by the end of 2015.

Mr Akbaş added that the cost of these 4 substations produced in Turkey is about 8,9 million euros; the cost should be 17 million in case of any foreign production.

He said: “We need a long process to establish permanent centers in energy sector. Moreover, the rapid increase in energy needs by the waves of migration may also occur. Such substations, installed where the high voltage line is existing, are helping to meet the urgent energy needs. Only one unit of these high voltage mobile transformation substations has the capacity to meet the energy need of a big town. Starting from the next days, we will deliver these 4 high voltage mobile transformation substations to TEIAS.

“We want a new –first- in next 5 years”

He said that the medium voltage equipment of these substation is totally their own production and that they are produced with the supports of TUBITAK. He added that they have signed a contract with LSIS, a South Korean company, in order to produce high voltage equipment.

Mr Akbaş has underlined that they have the intension to purchase the high voltage equipment from abroad and to produce high added value products in Turkey. He said: “We have a contract of 4 steps with LSIS. We want to produce locally the gas insulated high voltage gears in 5 years which are imported for instance. In case of success, this will be a first in Turkey”.

M. Akbaş declared that they have moved their production plant of Gebze to Baklıkesir Industrial Zone and that they are planning to start the new factory by the end of this month. He added that they are very active at north, central and west of Africa and that their products are manufactured at Algeria and Morocco under licence and they realise exportations at big quantities to these countries.