ISO 27001: 2013

For all his activities EKOSinerji Elektrik San. Tic. A.S.

Aims to respect the national and international standards and specifications with his well trained operators for all his products and to be between the most prestigious companies of Turkey and of the word with his approved products.

Respects the ISO 27001 standards for all his activities. According to the applicable legislation and the ISO 27001 standards, studies the possible risks, takes the necessary precautions to minimize these risks and to create a favorable work conditions for his employees, his suppliers and his visitors. assure a communication system between his employees and the management and keeps it alive in order to foreseen the risks in the terms of ISO 27001 and to eliminate these risks. He performs the checks foreseen on the standards in order to avoid the undesirable conditions.

Determine the objectives to realize the continuous improvement et the management programs according to these objectives.