Minitrans Transformer Monitoring System
Knowledge of the condition of transformers is essential for all electrical networks and on-line monitoring of transformers is an increasingly vital component of successful asset management programs. The information provided by multi-gas on-line DGA allows valuable asset capabilities to be maximised and expensive failures to be avoided.
The MINITRANS facilitates entry into discrete on-line DGA and moisture monitoring for transformers and other oil insulated filled electrical equipment. It provide measuring 3 key gases discretely; Hydrogen; Carbon Monoxide and Acetylene and moisture with using photo-acoustic spectroscopy technology, MINITRANS gives insight on developing faults, paper degradation and electrical arching providing trending of gas-in-oil through its close integration with GE’s powerful Perception software suite and/or users own software, historian and SCADA systems.
Minitrans unit requires no calibration or carrier gases.